What is the Iceworm Festival?
The Cordova Iceworm Festival was created in 1961 by a few great Cordovans who were itching to lift the spirits of those down with the winter blues. Little did they know that the festival would grow to attract people from all across the world! What once was a two or three day party has transformed into a week long gathering, put on by the Iceworm Board and the entire community of Cordova.
Cordova Iceworm Festival Mission Statement
To bring together friends, old and new, through rich and diverse community events that celebrate our strength, history, and creativity.
The Cordova Iceworm Festival has changed shape many times over the years. Festival founders left their mark on Cordova, and passed it through the hands of many wonderful Iceworm volunteers, committee members and chairs. It has evolved, much like its mascots, and grown into a much loved event attracting participants from across the world
and Now...
The Cordova Iceworm Festival is an independent, non profit in Cordova, Alaska.
It is executed and managed by the Iceworm Board, a group of volunteers who are lifelong Cordova residents. The current board was handed the reigns to continue the legacy in 2015. It is our goal to grow this festival to new heights while still preserving the unique qualities that capture the best parts of Cordova and its residents.
Some things only get better with time..
Over the last 50+ years, much has changed, and yet things with the Iceworm festival just keep getting better and better. As we continue to grow, our events will evolve, and we'll need more volunteers than we already do. So find an event you love and volunteer with it, or create a new one! We look forward to collaborating on and enjoying one of Alaska's premier events.